Making the Right Choices When Installing Composite Decking - Hub Spot News

Making the Right Choices When Installing Composite Decking

Adding value and investing in your home and property are easy when adding composite decking to your outdoor spaces. It’s an ideal combination for you to enjoy year-round with minor maintenance requirements where it also doesn’t split, warp, crack or fade.

The main issue faced with composite decking boards that can lessen its lifespan is inadequate installation. If you want the benefit of a high-quality, lasting outdoor structure, it must be stable and well-made using suitable materials and tools.

While many see this as an opportunity to undertake a DIY project, it’s important to consider employing a professional to complete the job for you. However, if you will undertake the task yourself, ensure you’re on track with our handy tips for safe and effective installation.

Do’s & Don’ts of Installing Composite Decking

  1. Tools

Using specialist tools for these hard, dense boards is essential. Using tools designed for cutting timber will blunt them, so investing in cutting blades for composite products will help them remain effective and share to cut your boards as needed.

  1. Ground clearance

Providing airflow is essential for the long-term use of composite decking. Allowing adequate ground clearance as per manufacturers and building standard guidelines will ensure you’re adhering to warranty guidelines.

  1. Stable structure for support

Follow Australian standards and council guidelines by creating a proper support structure that manages the deck weight. Likely made from natural timber, the structure should be sunk into the ground and treated against moisture and termites.

  1. Correct hardware

An essential aspect of the installation is using the correct hardware. The best option is to follow directions from the manufacturer for their recommended hardware. It’s likely your construction will require pre-drilling and counter-sinking holes before adding screws to avoid cracking and splitting composite boards.

Further, it would be best never to undertake some specific processes, so your completed project is structurally sound with the desired finish. We recommended never doing the following things:

  1. Nail guns

Composite boards must be pre-drilled before inserting any high-quality screws. If you directly use a nail gun, the panels are more likely to split, and the nails can work their way free within time.

  1. Cutting board times

Cutting your composite panels at the same time of the day for consistency in lengths. Never cut at different times because humidity and temperature will expand them, resulting in inconsistencies.

  1. Unstable surface

Never build directly on the grass or soil, and always allow ground clearance. Failing to do so will cause damage to your structure with its inadequate stable surface.

If you decide to build a composite deck yourself, you can ensure the best outcomes by following the dos and don’ts above. Your family and yourself can enjoy your composite decking long-term by providing you with the best choices during the preparation and installation process.

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