Is Your Netgear Extender Not Accepting Password? Let’s Fix It!

Is Your Netgear Extender Not Accepting Password? Let’s Fix It!

To log in to the extender and reach the Netgear Genie setup wizard, one needs to key in the admin username and password. However, the situation gets annoying when the range extender does not accept the login password. Is your Netgear extender also denying the password entree made by you? If the answer to this question is yes, then we would like to tell you that you can get rid of this issue. All that is needed is the implementation of the hacks discussed in this post. Read on.

Netgear Extender Not Accepting Password [Resolved]

  1. Re-Enter the Password

Are you sure that you’ve used the correct default password to log in to your Netgear device? There are times when the user is in hurry and make the incorrect password entree. In most cases, it has been noticed that users utilize the Username field to enter the password. See to it if you’ve committed the same mistake. In case you have, consider re-entering the password and username. In addition to this, make sure that you’ve entered the default password in the exact manner as it is mentioned in the user manual as it is of case-sensitive nature.

  1. Use the New Password

Did you change the password during the new extender setup process? If you’re nodding your head in yes, then this troubleshooting tip is for you. For your information, the default password of the Netgear extender will only work when you haven’t modified the default one. If the details have been changed during the installation of the device, then you are supposed to use the new password to complete the extender login procedure. The rule of the correct password entree applies in this case too.

  1. Reboot the Extender

Try rebooting your range extender and see if accepts the password this time. Rebooting is one of the most adopted solutions when it comes to issues related to networking devices. It is because technical glitches can be resolved with a simple reboot. Thus, don’t wait and power off your extender. After that, you need to give it some rest. Once you feel that the extender has revived its performance, then you can power it up and try to perform Netgear login again. Is your Netgear extender accepting the password now? No? Give a shot to the next hack then.

  1. Update Your Internet Browser

Users often put an outdated web browser to use in order to log in to the extender. However, they forget the important fact that an outdated web browser doesn’t let you reach the mywifiext setup wizard successfully. Chances are that the extender is not taking password due to the outdated web browser. Thus, you are suggested to update the web browser you are using. You can do it by hopping up to the browser’s Settings menu. As soon as the browser gets updated, you will be prompted to re-launch it. Now, you can do Netgear extender login. What happened? Still unable to log in to the extender as it is not accepting the password? Clear the cache, cookies, and browsing history of the browser in that case.

  1. Connect Your Devices Properly

Sometimes, not the web browser and password entree, but the weak connection between your WiFi devices is responsible for the issue you are facing. Thus, you should aim to make the connection properly. However, it can be done in accordance with the source of connection in use. If the connection source is wireless, you have to bring your device closer. But, this closeness should be acceptable. Don’t place them too close that their signals clash. In case you’ve employed an Ethernet cable, we want you to check for cuts on it. If it has cuts, consider taping it. You always have an option of replacing it if it is not in the condition of working properly. Besides, consider creating a finger-tight connection.

Final Words

Now, we are wrapping up the guide to resolve the Netgear extender not accepting password issue. Hopefully, you’ll be able to fix it. On the off chance, you are still getting the same issue, consider disabling the antivirus software installed on your PC. Know that antivirus software is able to cause Netgear extender login issues including not working issue. Thus, it can also stop the extender from accepting the password. Antivirus software can be disabled temporarily by navigating to the Control Panel. Once done, consider doing Netgear extender login again. This time your extender will surely accept the password. How was your troubleshooting experience? Drop a line in the comment section.

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